Nutritious benefits to grow on.
Peas are a wonderfully healthy option for your baby’s diet. In fact, just one serving of freshly frozen garden peas has more vitamin C than two large apples, more fiber than a slice of whole bread, and more thiamine than a pint of whole milk. Peas are also rich in vitamins A and B1, folate, phosphorous and iron. Peas have been shown to promote the growth and functioning of the cardiovascular system, activate bone growth, and help to lower blood cholesterol and prevent heart disease, strokes, and arthritis in later life. Most pediatricians recommend serving peas to your little one beginning at six months of age.
Peas: Always ready to please.
Although many moms equate “frozen” to not being truly fresh, frozen peas are actually very nutritious, readily available and easy to use. Choose frozen peas over canned peas and processed (and marrowfat) peas, which often contain high amounts of salts and sugar. Of course, if fresh peas are available – petit pois, snow peas, or sugar snap peas – they are a healthy choice for your baby as well. Frozen peas are the easiest to cook and you can simply steam them until tender or boil them in a small saucepan. Most moms prefer to serve peas pureed. You can do this by blending the peas in a food processor with a small amount of water. For extra flavor, add vegetable or chicken broth. Finally, peas are great on their own and are a convenient finger food or side dish for your little one.
Interesting pea facts.
There is much debate about where the pea originated but Italy, China, Malta and Sri Lanka are strong possibilities. Peas became popular during the Middle Ages because they were easy to grow. The first sweet pea was said to have originated in Sicily during the late 1600s. Peas first arrived in the U.S. during the early 1700s. Today, the United Kingdom is the largest producer of peas that are used for freezing, in Europe. Janet Harris holds the world record for eating peas, consuming 7,715 in one hour!
Easy Pea recipes.
Try one of these simple pea recipes the next time you’re looking for a new recipe for your family.