Author Archives: Nicole Brigham, RD

5 Ways to Encourage Picky Eaters to Eat Healthy Foods

It wasn’t very long ago that I was pregnant with my son. Being a pediatric Registered Dietitian, I envisioned preparing very healthy meals for him to eat as a baby and toddler.  Of course, part of the daydream was my son enjoying the meals I had prepared. Wow did I get a good smack from the reality stick!  As an infant, my son seemed to like most of the simple purees I fed him. However, when he was about eight to nine … (read more)

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Keeping the Holidays Healthy

The holiday season is upon us yet again, and along with the exciting hustle and bustle of holiday preparations comes all the delicious holiday foods and treats. I love this time of year but dread the unhealthy foods that I may end up eating and serving to my two year old son. I have been working hard all year long to make sure my little one is eating the healthiest foods and meals possible and I don’t like changing this … (read more)

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Adding Spice to Baby Food

Along with adding flavor to your foods, spices and herbs can add health benefits as well. It’s easy for spices and herbs to become lonely little jars in the pantry that are overlooked. If your spices are being snubbed, this article may help reinvent their presence in your family’s meals and snacks.

The health benefits.

Herbs and spices have long been used for their medicinal value and recent research suggests that some spices and herbs may actually help with certain … (read more)

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Alternative Sources of Protein

If your child refuses to eat meats, don’t worry you are not alone! Many toddlers may refuse to eat meats for a number of reasons. Either they are exerting their control over foods or maybe they just don’t like the texture. Either way, as a concerned parent it can be very frustrating since you know that protein is an important nutrient in their diet and essential for growth.

A little bit about protein…

There are basically two types of proteins

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Food Safety and Baby Food Storage Guidelines

Pregnant women, infants and young children are particularly vulnerable to foodborne illness since their immune systems are not as strong, so it is very important to practice food safety in your home! Here are some food safety guidelines and helpful tips to keep you and your family healthy.

Foodborne illness.

Foodborne illness is usually the result of poor handling of foods, improper cooking or inadequate storage of foods. This allows for bacteria to grow and thrive. The Centers for Disease Control … (read more)

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Creative and Healthy Back to School Lunch Ideas

Your little one might not be ready to grab their backpack and jump on the big yellow school bus but many parents of toddlers wonder what foods are good for packing for daycare, preschool and even family day trips. What better time to refresh your little one’s lunch box with a healthy kick than back to school time!  Here are a few tips on creating healthy lunches for on the go kiddos.

Build a healthy lunch.

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Introducing Foods to Your Baby

Offering your baby solid food for the first time can be such an exciting experience! So what are the do’s and don’ts to offering new tastes and foods to babies? Here is some helpful information to assist you in making the best choices for you and your little one.

Making sure they are developmentally ready.

It is important to wait until your baby is ready before introducing foods. It takes a few months for their little bodies to be ready … (read more)

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Make Grocery Shopping With Your Toddler Fun

Going to the grocery store can be a fun experience for you and your child. Children begin to learn from their parents from the minute they are born, so teaching your child how to shop in the grocery store from an early age can help them to become health savvy shoppers when they grow up! If you dread taking your kids to the grocery store with you, try doing the majority of your shopping solo and take the kids with you … (read more)

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When to Choose Organic Foods

Terms like growth hormones, pesticides and antibiotics can sound really intimidating — especially when it comes to feeding your baby. This is a real and growing concern today for many families and many are choosing to buy organic foods as a means to control what enters our bodies when we eat. Organic foods have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and as a result, they are often readily available in most supermarkets and grocery stores. If you buy, or are considering buying, organic foods, … (read more)

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Transitioning Your Toddler to Whole Milk

The time leading up to your little one’s first birthday is so exciting! Daily changes and development are peppered with major milestones that keep life interesting (to say the least). One of the many important milestones during this time is the transition from breastmilk or formula to whole milk. As a pediatric dietitian, parents often ask me how to make this transition and why it is so important to wait until their child’s first birthday to make the big switch. … (read more)

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